Thursday, 12 March 2015

The data we enter online.

 Whenever you type your data online, do you ask this question-"How many people can actually see my data?"? The answer to that is that there are more than thousands of people who can actually see it. In my class, we were discussing how Google uses the data we enter, within their online area, to know more about us. The more the personal data we enter online, the more the people can see and know more about us. I knew this from long ago, because i participated in events online that required me to input my personal data. I then search for myself online and found most of the websites with my data in them. From that point on i was not inputting all of my data in some websites or not even putting any data at all. Although, this can help me out as an artist. According to the article, developers can use data posted by the consumers to help better evolve their product in the future (Dena,C. 2015). From the consumers point of view it can sorta seem like information theft, but only if the developer reads the data without permission. With this method, i can further improve my end product to appeal more viewers. Although i would still put less information about myself online Since i'm also aware that others can look at my data, i can make sure to post more useful information online for others to  see and improve themselves.

Dena, C.(2015).Week 4: Critics, Reviewers & Your Art. Retrieved: March 10th, 2015, from

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