Wednesday 18 March 2015

Social Media and Artists.

Social media is being used as a part of our daily life for a long time now. We have been using it as a source of entertainment, information and mostly communication. Right now people are using social media to gain jobs and be more recognition of from their work. Mostly by posting all of our work in certain social media websites, like tumblr,blogspot,deviantart etc. According to the report, artists need to make portfolios for their line of work (Dena, C.2015). The portfolios can be presented in USB, a catalog or even in an online format. Most of people already post online and it was already clear to me that we must also do it. I know it because it is much safer to post your work online, rather than saving it on a USB. I would rather do it on both in case i could not access one of them. This is much more useful for a lot of artists due to many reasons. Many reasons may be because of virus, drive failure and theft (Backup of Data & Files – Why it is Important, n.d). This can save you a lot, because the interviewer will be pleased by how well prepared you are. Because of this i will try and get at least 3 backup files of my work. If i will make a website to show my work, i will try and include this idea as a description of how i started out.


Backup of Data & Files – Why it is Important(n.d). Retrieved: March 18th, 2015, from
Dena, C.(2015).Week 6: Social Media and  Your CareerRetrieved: March 18th, 2015, from

Thursday 12 March 2015

The data we enter online.

 Whenever you type your data online, do you ask this question-"How many people can actually see my data?"? The answer to that is that there are more than thousands of people who can actually see it. In my class, we were discussing how Google uses the data we enter, within their online area, to know more about us. The more the personal data we enter online, the more the people can see and know more about us. I knew this from long ago, because i participated in events online that required me to input my personal data. I then search for myself online and found most of the websites with my data in them. From that point on i was not inputting all of my data in some websites or not even putting any data at all. Although, this can help me out as an artist. According to the article, developers can use data posted by the consumers to help better evolve their product in the future (Dena,C. 2015). From the consumers point of view it can sorta seem like information theft, but only if the developer reads the data without permission. With this method, i can further improve my end product to appeal more viewers. Although i would still put less information about myself online Since i'm also aware that others can look at my data, i can make sure to post more useful information online for others to  see and improve themselves.

Dena, C.(2015).Week 4: Critics, Reviewers & Your Art. Retrieved: March 10th, 2015, from

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Which is more suitable for an artist as feedback?

As an artist we can all have some sort of feedback after we publish our work. This type of feedback is split into two categories, review and criticism. Although the two may appear similar, but both of them differ greatly. As mentioned in my class, the critics focus more on technical and social aspects of the product, while review only talks about whats already in the product. The article online was also describing it and other forms of criticism in the past and the present(Dena,C. 2015). Although, was caught my eyes was the part about how we can handle journalists. This article was what i needed, because i have no idea how to handle criticism or review. In there they talked how we need to know about the journalist,critics and reviewers, what article they talk about, what is their point of interest, and making personal messages for those people(Dena). Although i will not follow all of the steps. I was always taught to write formal letters if i am communicating with other people. This is why i won't be able to implement my humor there much often. Moving on to which one will actually help an artist more, i would  go for criticism. Criticism can give the artist more information on what he or she needs to change or improve in the final product to give better results in the future. There are some social and professional issues involved in this though. Like how there are not many critics out there and it will make it more challenging for the producer to make a better product. This in turn will make the consumers wait longer or be disappointed in the upcoming product. I would most likely be a critic guy myself and try to help out other producers with their product by giving my critique.

Dena, C.(2015).Week 4: Critics, Reviewers & Your Art. Retrieved: March 5th, 2015, from

Thursday 26 February 2015

How can crowdfunding be beneficial to some people?

This week in class we were discussing how different artists have to fight economy like everyone else just to survive in our everyday world and keep their work going on. There were many different ways for us to earn money that we discussed in class and from what i read in the blog. The subject that got me interested was the crowdfunding. Crowdfunding was basically an artists or a person asking people online for donation to complete a certain project. This seemed to be an easy way to earn some money but at the same time it is hard. A guy like me, who is shy, doesn't like to talk to random people, and a stay in, will have a hard time to make crowdfunding as a starting juice for one of my future projects. Crowdfundung requires you two have multiple connections, keep on checking how many people funded your work and reply to all of the people after the project was completed. Although, because of this method rising artists can complete most of their project. This was pretty obvious to me because i know what type of a person i am. So for this particular case i must try and get a lot with more random people or at least have the courage to speak with them. There are other downsides to it the crowdfunding however. The time limit on how long your request may be post is one month, another one being that you might be sued if the project is not delivered soon. For this reason i would need to change how i am doing things by making sure i finish the work given to me at least a day before the deadline. If in the near future i will become a rather successful person using crowdfunding, i could give some tips to other people that are actually doing crowdfunding as well.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Problems in the industry and how you can deal with it.

Before my class of the Overview of the Industry, i received an email about how all artistic industries share a problem as well as how their employees have problems themselves. I understood a lot from the information, like how some in most industries they create appropriate working environment to help the workers with their work and what problems they faced. In class we discussed about what problems the industries faced  according to our own knowledge. Although, most of them were similar in some ways. Some of the thoughts included how the artists become unemployed after they finish their project and publish it, another being the fact that most people want to work on one particular area in the industry. The report i read was somewhat new to me, because i did not know some of the things that was mentioned in there. For example the Informality section, i did not know that the industry had a very creative work space for their artists. The Long Hours section was intuitive for me however, because i know that animation takes a long time to make. Although some animators write the story board, draw sketches of animation and then make a final animation, i do things differently. I just draw a comic strip of the scene and then try and animate it. I do this differently because i feel more comfortable looking a pictures that just reading. In class i told about how having more skills in your choice of industry will help you gain more recognition and allow you you to teach others to fasten the workflow of the project. This is supporting the Short Term work that was talked in the webpage. By having variety of skills, you can get more job opportunities. Although, this will mean less time for yourself and your social time. This also has to be seen from the customers point of view. If you have variety of skills, the customers will surely want to hire you, but later on you might not get the project ready on time and the customer looses interest. So with all these points i can determine what to do properly in the future. I would gain more skills and learn how to manage my time. Also i could help out others if they came across an obstacle.